Polish for medicine

To whom is this course addressed?

  • doctors
  • medicine students and candidates for medicine studies in Poland
  • entering a postgraduate education programme
  • medical staff
  • those who wish to take an exam in the Polish language, conducted by the The Polish Chamber of Physicians and Dentists (Polish: Naczelna Izba Lekarska)

general information

To start learning specialized language, your general level of Polish has to be at least B1.


At the first stage of teaching the medical language, I use personally developed materials such as short videos and text adaptations. The student answers questions, does exercises, talks about a specific situation and describes the problems.


At the second stage of training we use the textbook “Co panu dolega?”. The content of the textbook covers general medical issues (e.g. medical examination, medicine, the healthcare organisational structure in Poland), as well as topics related to main fields of medicine that the student has to be familiar with while studying at university. The transcript of the dialogues from the textbook is recorded on the CD-ROM.

Textbooks used in the course of the medical language course.

duration of the course

The length of the course is an individual matter related to the level of language proficiency at the time of starting the course. The student himself decides when to end the classes. The student is provided with consistent feedback about his successes and areas of development.